Gulden Ophthalmics has been a leading manufacturer of Ophthalmics for over 70 years. We carry a large variety of Vision Therapy Tools which include Prisms, Flippers, Hopping cards and trail lens holders.
Guldens Hopping Card Set is designed for use with accommodative and ocular otor therapies and also incorporate suppression controls for anti-suppression therapy. All cards are coated, re-usable with erasable markers, and come with complete instructions and a pair of red/green spectacles.
Gulden also provides tools such as the Opto-Kinetic flag and Brock string. Gulden’s Opto-Kinetic Flag is used to produce Optokinetic Nystagmus (OKN) physiologic jerk in a patient’s eyes. It is elicited when the patient attempts to fixate on moving, alternate, contrasting squares, moved in the field of vision. As the Brock String can be used to enhance convergence ability. Gulden Ophthalmics carries these and many other vision therapy items.
Anti-Suppression Card
$8.00 -
Binocular Vision Assessment Kit
$329.00 -
Brock String
$9.00 -
Clip-On Occluder (No Holes)
$10.00 -
Clip-on Spielmann Occluder
$19.00 -
Color Coded Flipper Set
$120.00 -
Fixi-Tic (Fixation Stick Timer)
$40.00 -
Flipper 6 Holder
$25.00 -
Large OculoMotor Assessment Tool (OMAT)
$150.00 -
OculoMotor Assessment Tool (OMAT)
$99.00 -
Opto-Kinetic Flag
$29.00 -
Pediatric Red/Green Glasses (6 pack)
$45.00 -
Red and Green Trial Lenses
$19.00 -
Red/Green Glasses (6 pack)
$58.00 -
S-16 Prism Set