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We are planning for new tools to help you in your practice.

Posted by Tom Cockley | Posted on June 5, 2012

We have been actively soliciting ideas, challenges, and needs from eye care professionals since our company began nearly 75 years ago.  We have been converting many of those ideas into new ophthalmic tools that help professionals like you save time and provide better patient care.

Last week I visited the Medical Design & Manufacturing Conference in Philadelphia.  I established new relationships with several companies there.  These companies are particularly suited to our own company culture – they have developed new technologies that can create prototypes rapidly and provide us with early small production runs of new products.  In some cases we can develop prototypes of new ideas in a few weeks using these new technologies.  And we can create short production runs in about a month.

These techniques can help us produce and test new products faster, better, and in a fraction of the time needed in the past to bring you new useful tools.

My invitation to you:  please contact me with any thoughts or ideas on tools or devices that will help you practice better vision care.  Many of the more than 400 products we offer have developed from ideas from professionals like you.

Drop me an e-mail at with your ideas and thoughts. I promise to consider your ideas seriously and get back to you soon.

Tell me what you think …

… about products and tools that can help you help your patients.

 Be visionary with Gulden! 

 Tom Cockley is president of Gulden Ophthalmics and the third generation of the nearly 75 year old visionary company that brings innovative, time-saving, utilitarian products to vision and health care professionals.

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