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Posts Tagged ‘Eye Health’

There’s a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Use Social Media

It’s very easy to point the finger at teenagers these days. If they are not dressed oddly, then they are talking in slang or, the horror, posting inappropriate content on social media. Well, it isn’t just teenagers who are guilty of posting the wrong things on social media, adults can do that, as well. I’m […]

Being a Community Partner

Millennials often get a bad rap as being selfish, but recent studies have shown that they will spend more with companies that “give back” through supporting causes that they care about. Since the Millennials have over $2 billion dollars in spending power, it would be nice for your practice to earn their business. Even more […]

Optometrists Collaborate with Other Professionals

As many of you know, optometrists aren’t just the folks who examine eyes for glasses and contacts. They are healthcare providers who help to maximize patient health by maximizing eye health and visual acuity. It is well known that they work with primary care physicians to monitor patients with diabetes and hypertension, but what many […]

How to Reduce Resistance to Care

Repeat after me: • If you are between the ages of 20 and 64, even if you don’t have any underlying health issues, you need to have an eye exam every two years. • If you are age 65 or older, you need an eye exam every year. • If you have diabetes or a […]

Which Social Media Platform is Right for My Practice?

Before 2005, almost no one had heard of “social media,” and even fewer knew what that phrase meant. Now there’s Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and there are new platforms coming up all the time. But the question is: which one is right for your practice? The answer depends on your demographic mix, how knowledgeable you or […]

Health Care Innovation Forum

     On Friday, March 18th, I was asked to speak at Salus University (Elkins Park, PA) for their “Salus Time” speaker series.  The speaker series is a great idea, because it gives students (and professors) exposure to topics they wouldn’t ordinarily encounter.  For the subject of Friday’s Salus Time, I chose to speak on […]

Climate Change and Eye Health

It seems like every time there is a heat wave or a major snowstorm, climate change is blamed for the weather event. Still, when it comes to climate change, it isn’t just extremes in weather that have people worried. Eyes can be affected by climate change, especially since the cornea, eyelid, sclera and the lens […]

Eye Care Resources

    Many people do not seek out eye care because they are not able to afford it. Over the past four years, the national uninsured rate has gone down approximately five percent. Even so, there are people who do not get routine eye exams or other eye procedures because of the costs involved. In […]

Will Gene Therapy Replace Medical Devices?

    What is the best solution for those with genetic disorders that lead to blindness? As an engineer, I tend to think that the answer should lie in some sort of novel device which solves the problem. For example, if the retina is destroyed, why not ‘plug’ an array of light detecting electrodes in […]

Quick, Reliable Pupil Testing for All

    For over a year, I have been working with Dr. Joe Ruskiewicz of Salus University (PCO) to develop a device which streamlines and standardizes pupil measurement and testing.  We call the device (pictured below) the APT (Accurate Pupil Tester).       The APT is two devices in one:  a pupilometer and an automated […]