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Posts Tagged ‘Eye Health’

How to Communicate with Older Patients

    As an eye care professional, you may have noticed that a good number of your patients are over the age of 65. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 10,000 people each day turn age 65. Age makes a difference on how often you will be seeing your patients. On average, people over the age of 65 […]

The Future of Eye Health: Stem Cells

    Going to the dentist doesn’t evoke warm and fuzzy feelings. Especially when it comes to wisdom tooth extraction. However, new research from the University of Pittsburgh shows that stem cells from dental pulp can be transformed into corneal cells.     The research was published in the journal STEM CELLS Translational Medicine is good news for those […]

Low Vision and Blindness Aren’t The End of The Story

    While gains have been made in treating conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts and the use of bionics has shown promise with some forms of blindness, the fact remains that there are times when the interventions fail and a person either loses functional vision or becomes totally blind. When that happens do you mention to […]