Gulden Ophthalmics has been a leading manufacturer of Ophthalmics for over 70 years. We offer a wide variety of test cards including an Illuminated test card with interchangeable inserts. . The Test Card is a valuable diagnostic tool for eye care professionals. It is useful in testing near vision – emulating users’ vision with reading materials, computer screens, smart phones, and many other devices as well as screening for abnormal eye conditions. However, in order to be accurate and useful, a near card needs to be clean, clear, and kept in pristine condition.
Accommodation Cards for Near Point Rule (2 Pack)
$15.00 -
Adult Near Contrast Test Booklet
$160.95 -
Amsler Grid Book
$68.95 -
Chronister Pocket Acuity Booklet
$30.00 -
CPT & HCPCS Reference Card (Dovie Card)
$8.00 -
Customizable Magnetic Amsler Grids (10 pack)
$16.50 -
Eger Near Card
$9.00 -
Eye Alignment Near Card
$30.00 -
Home Vision Card (Acuity and Amsler Grid)
$8.00 -
LEA Symbols Acuity Chart (3 meter)
$25.00 -
Modified Thorington Test Card
$9.00 -
Near Point Card Set (Two Double Sided Cards)
$14.00 -
Neumueller Card
$9.00 -
Phoropter Roto Chart
$53.00 -
Pocket Drug Reference Card (Dovie Card)
$8.00 -
Pocket Pediatrics Reference Card (Dovie Card)