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Posts Tagged ‘social media’

There’s a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Use Social Media

It’s very easy to point the finger at teenagers these days. If they are not dressed oddly, then they are talking in slang or, the horror, posting inappropriate content on social media. Well, it isn’t just teenagers who are guilty of posting the wrong things on social media, adults can do that, as well. I’m […]

How to Keep Your Focus (Phoropter Not Needed)

Whether you are the practice owner, associate or just an employee, working in an eye care practice means that you will have a lot vying for your attention. It’s either patients, vendors, paperwork, phone calls, emails, other employees, etc. How in the world can you focus on what needs to be done when you are […]

Sunday Scaries

Working in or owning an optometric practice can be great. There’s the health and science side which is always evolving and appeals to the learner part of you and there’s the business side that appeals to the creator/builder part of you. Of course, the ever-evolving part of health and science means that you have to […]

Selling to Baby Boomers

It’s likely that Baby Boomers make up the bulk of your customers. There are over 74 million of them in the U.S., they spend the most across all categories, control 70 percent of the disposable income in the U.S. and are expected to inherit $15 trillion dollars over the next 20 years. Today’s seniors aren’t […]

Retail is Dead. Long Live Retail

Sadly, Toys R’ Us recently ceased operations. Sears’ post-bankruptcy strategy is to have smaller stores which concentrate on appliances. Sounds like traditional brick and mortar retail is in trouble, doesn’t it? First of all, not every brick and mortar retailer is in trouble. WalMart and Target are doing very well. Still, the trend is that […]

How Do You Keep Them At The Practice

In case you haven’t heard, the U.S. labor market is the strongest it has been since the early 2000s. Payroll processor ADP issued a report in June that showed that the economy added 195,000 jobs and the unemployment rate was 3.8 percent. Wait, there’s more. Government data shows that over 3 million workers are quitting […]

Do These Things for a Successful Practice

Optometry is unique in that it is one of the few medical specialties that offers a fashion statement (frames) in addition to a medical examination. Since there is a physical product to sell, how can you maximize your product and service mix, to keep customers coming back and your practice profitable? Don’t worry, you don’t […]

Which Social Media Platform is Right for My Practice?

Before 2005, almost no one had heard of “social media,” and even fewer knew what that phrase meant. Now there’s Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and there are new platforms coming up all the time. But the question is: which one is right for your practice? The answer depends on your demographic mix, how knowledgeable you or […]

Talking Politics

The presidential election will take place this year. Numerous candidates are campaigning for their party’s nomination for President of the United States. Supporters and detractors are already putting in their two cents, both in the form of public opinion and monetary donation. Of course, the position of President isn’t the only political office up for […]