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Posts Tagged ‘Patient satisfaction’

Eye Care Resources

    Many people do not seek out eye care because they are not able to afford it. Over the past four years, the national uninsured rate has gone down approximately five percent. Even so, there are people who do not get routine eye exams or other eye procedures because of the costs involved. In […]

Patient Education – Survey Results!

    Earlier this month, I reached out to our contacts and asked a series of questions concerning how they handle patient education.  Some things I wanted to know were:  how much time is spent educating each patient on average, what means are most commonly used to communicate information to the patient, and how confident are care […]

Quick, Reliable Pupil Testing for All

    For over a year, I have been working with Dr. Joe Ruskiewicz of Salus University (PCO) to develop a device which streamlines and standardizes pupil measurement and testing.  We call the device (pictured below) the APT (Accurate Pupil Tester).       The APT is two devices in one:  a pupilometer and an automated […]

When the Eye Drops Don’t Go In

    For drop-based glaucoma treatment to be effective, the patient must adhere to the dosage regimen and apply the medication correctly. The problem is that this doesn’t always happen. Drops are often installed improperly, not used, or not taken according to the prescribed regimen.     Improper installation of drops can be a huge waste of money. One […]

How to Communicate with Older Patients

    As an eye care professional, you may have noticed that a good number of your patients are over the age of 65. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 10,000 people each day turn age 65. Age makes a difference on how often you will be seeing your patients. On average, people over the age of 65 […]

Promote Ophthalmic Professions!

    Chances are good that you enjoy working as an optometrist or ophthalmologist. The eyecare field mixes medical science with helping others to create a career that leads to a lot of personal satisfaction.     How often do you talk about your work with people who aren’t your patients? If it is not often, then that needs […]

Keep Patients Happy with Good Customer Service

    You have to admit, one of the nice things about working in optometry/ophthalmology is the range of styles in eyeglass frames. There are aviator, horn rimmed, harlequin, schoolboy and the list goes on. It is this choice that gives some measure of control to patients, as well as a lot of satisfaction. After all, patients […]

Retaining patients goes hand in hand with resolving patients’ concerns and complaints.

Dr. Joseph Eastern, a physican and surgeon in New Jersey, recently published an inciteful article on resolving patients complaints that I think is valualble to share.  Think of it as a checklist of how to plan and anticipate the inevitable concerns a patient might address. Dr. Eastern states that for most physicians, the resolution of […]