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Posts Tagged ‘Glaucoma’

Charting Paths to Precision Eye Care Part Two

Part one covered research done at the University of Pennsylvania involving genetic analysis of persons of African ancestry related to glaucoma. Of course, genes aren’t the only place that may provide clues about glaucoma development. The macula may also show early signs of the disease. The macula is a part of the retina that is […]

Charting Paths to Precision Eye Care: Part One

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over 3 million people in the U.S. currently have glaucoma, and the disease costs the economy over $2 billion in losses in productivity losses and direct costs. Scientists are studying this disease to understand its causes and progression, as well as ways to detect it before symptoms […]

Aqueous Humor and Nerve Degeneration Advances

In vision diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, once functional vision is lost, there is no way to restore it. That’s why adults between the ages of 18 to 65 are advised to have yearly eye exams. These exams can detect not only changes in vision but the first signs of glaucoma, macular degeneration […]

Genes & Nanoparticles: Innovations in Treatment Approaches

Numerous vision diseases, such as glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, and, to a certain degree, diabetic retinopathy, have a genetic basis. Wouldn’t it be great to learn about the genetic makeup of these and other vision diseases so that treatments can start earlier, when they are most effective? Two research projects are studying both what is going […]

Myopia Treatments Beyond Corrective Lenses

For those who may not know, 40 percent of the U.S. population has myopia, also known as nearsightedness. Most people with myopia use corrective lenses, either eyeglasses or contact lenses to achieve near 20/20 vision. For some, turning to surgical procedures, such as LASIK or having intraocular lenses implanted, is an option. Although myopia is […]

Evolution, Circadian Rhythm & How They Relate to the Eye

The eye is like a security camera that captures images that are both at rest and in motion. From our eyes, images travel through the retina and go to the brain. This information allows us to perform a myriad of tasks from reading, creating a meal to navigating from Point A to Point B. In […]

Eyes in Motion: Decoding the Relationship Between Vision, Movement, and Neural Processing

As we walk from Point A to Point B, be it from the living room to the kitchen or down a busy street, our eyes take in a great deal of information. Despite our bodies being in motion, we are able to focus on the end destination and navigate to the destination without much of […]

Thin Retinas & Metabolites

When it comes to glaucoma, early detection leads to early treatment, and the sooner treatment is started, the greater the likelihood that vision can be preserved. The usual way that glaucoma is detected is by measuring pressure inside the eye. High pressure is a sign of increased glaucoma risk and it is the only symptom […]

Understanding Glaucoma & Myopia

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that can lead to vision loss. Pressure builds up in the eye, and if the fluid in the eye doesn’t drain fast enough, the pressure can damage the optic nerve. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 3 million people in the U.S have glaucoma and […]

A New Look at Myopia

Since the development of spectacles, myopia isn’t considered a big deal in terms of vision conditions. After all, how many medical conditions are as easy to treat as myopia? A person just needs some corrective lenses and he or she is good to go. Hearing loss isn’t as easy treat as myopia. Just ask someone […]