Immune System & Eye Disease: More than Meets the Eye
Having an immune system is a good thing. It deals with bacteria and viruses, so that either we don’t get sick or if we do, our body fights them off and, for the most part, sickness isn’t fatal. Sometimes our immune system doesn’t work the way we want it to. That can range from an […]
Myopia Can Be Reversed In Children With Bifocal Contacts
True confession: I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 10 years-old. It didn’t bother me to wear glasses because I was so pleased to be able to see the chalkboard clearly. For me, wearing glasses was a simple thing I could do to maintain good grades. Many kids aren’t like me in that they aren’t […]
Alzheimer’s and Glaucoma—Are They Related?
No one wants to be sick. No one wants to get a disease, especially diseases like Alzheimer’s and glaucoma. Glaucoma robs a person of his or her sight. Alzheimer’s robs a person of his or her mind. Interestingly enough, people who have Alzheimer’s are more likely to have glaucoma. They are both diseases that affect […]
Smartphone Ophthalmoscopes Help to Keep an Eye on Patients
If you spent time with an optometrist or ophthalmologist who started working in the 1970s or earlier, how they worked back in the day seemed so primitive. No computers or smart devices. Optometrists couldn’t prescribe medicine. Treatment options for many vision conditions were limited or nonexistent. Diagnostic equipment took up an entire room. Thanks to […]
2020 Ocular Melanoma News
Ocular melanoma, known as uveal melanoma, is a rare form of cancer that affects five in one million people. Despite its name, it isn’t caused by exposure to the sun, the way skin cancer is and it represents five percent of the melanomas that are diagnosed each year. It causes vision loss, blindness and can […]
FECD–Rare, But Not Unknown
When it comes to eye diseases, your practice will handle patients who have glaucoma, cataracts or macular degeneration. Those are the big ones that most people worry about and do what they can to avoid or if they do get one of those eye conditions, preserve as much functional vision as possible. That isn’t to […]
The Eyes Have It & Research Proves It
The eye is a cool organ. Our eyes allow us to move about our world and make sense of all that we see. In fact, many in the medical and scientific community view the eye as the front of the brain. (No pun intended.) That leads to two questions: 1) If the eye lens sustained […]
Difficult Patients
Like it or not, you and your staff will have to deal with a patient who isn’t happy with the glasses or contacts he or she received from you or the patient makes difficult for you and your staff to do your job. Thankfully, there are different levels of difficulty that you and your staff […]
Digital Device Use in Children
I’d tell you that digital device use among children and teens is on the rise, but you only have to look at your waiting room to see that is the case. Still, I thought I would share some statistics with you: 41 percent of 8-12-year-olds have a smartphone 84 percent of 13-18-year-olds have a smartphone […]
There’s a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Use Social Media
It’s very easy to point the finger at teenagers these days. If they are not dressed oddly, then they are talking in slang or, the horror, posting inappropriate content on social media. Well, it isn’t just teenagers who are guilty of posting the wrong things on social media, adults can do that, as well. I’m […]