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Confrontation Visual Field Tester
The Gulden Automated Confrontation Visual Field Tester is an automated LED gross confrontational visual field tester that is cost effective, easy to use, fast, and more accurate than using finger confrontation methods.

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How To Assemble Your SimulEYE BIO Shield™
The SimulEYE BIO Shield™ is a protective shield for your Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope which easily and securely mounts to your wall, using a proprietary magnet system, right next to your indirect. The SimulEYE BIO Shield™ can be attached to any indirect and removed with just a wave of the hand.

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SimulEYE BIO Shield™ Quick Guide
The SimulEYE BIO Shield™ is a protective shield for your Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope which easily and securely mounts to your wall, using a proprietary magnet system, right next to your indirect. The SimulEYE BIO Shield™ can be attached to any indirect and removed with just a wave of the hand.

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Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD) Model
Gulden’s Posterior Vitreous Detachment Model. This realistic model of the human eye can be used to illustrate vitreous detachment and increase your patient’s understanding.

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Cornea Eye Model
Cornea Eye Model from Gulden. Includes 5 interchangeable corneas that have the following conditions: Bullous Keratopathy, Fuch’s Endothelial Dystrophy, Keratoconus, Recurrent Corneal Erosion and Map-Dot-Fingerprint type Dystrophy.

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Siepser Vitreous Hemorrhage Demonstrator
Siepser Vitreous Hemorrhage Demonstrator from Gulden. This realistic model demonstrates the effects of vitreous hemorrhage and head position to patients. The globe is glass and the base is plastic.

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Siepser Dry Eye Model
With this model your patients can touch, see and feel the ravages of dry eye disease (DED). This model helps patients to understand why their eyes feel gritty, blurred and irritated.

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Twin Filter Set
The Ohlson Vital Stain Enhancement Filters is a yellow and red filter side-by-side, that easily fits in your pocket.

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Trial Lens Holder
Gulden Ophthalmics carries a large variety of Trial Lenses, Lens Flippers and frames designed to make vision testing easy.

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Tonometer Tip Cleaner
Gulden's Small Tonometer Tip Cleaner is the perfect tool for sterilizing tonometer tips.

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Contact Lens Polisher Kit
Gulden Ophthalmic's Contact Lens Polisher Kit is a low-cost, convenient, cordless, easy-to-use, portable hard contact lens polisher.

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Dovie Pocket Coding Card
Our Pocket CPT Coding Card is a handy, useful reference tool that helps with coding exams for optimal reimbursement from insurance companies.

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D-15 Dichotomous Test
Designed to correctly identify all (congenital and acquired) color deficiencies, no matter how slight.

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Near Point Rule
The Near Point Rule measures 50 cm long, 10 mm square, it is engraved with Centimeters, Inches, Diopter Scales and Duane Age.

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Dry Eye & Lagophthalmos Kit
Stop telling your patients to tape their eyes closed! No more messy tape glue on the lids, no more allergic reactions to tape.

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Eyelid Plate Expressor
Elevate the patients eyelid, provide a solid support for the eyelid, aid in meibomian gland expression and assist in other eye exam functional measurements, all with one handy instrument.

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Raff Level Trial Flipper
The Raff Level Trial Lens flipper balances lenses with a level eliminate off axis rotation with ease.

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Cataract Eye Model
Quick and easy to use, this model will save the doctor or technician time when explaining this difficult concept.

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Disposable Spray Caps
Gulden's Disposable Spray Caps are replaceable caps for standard ophthalmic drop bottles.

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EyeView Visualizing Scope
The EyeView Visualizing Scope gives a patient a view of his/her own opacities.

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Confrontation Visual Field Tester
Automated LED confrontational visual field tester that is cost effective, easy to use, fast, and more accurate than using finger confrontation methods.

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Reti Eye
The Reti Eye is an extremely useful kit for ophthalmic practitioners to practice Indirect Ophthalmoscopy and Photocoagulation.

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LASIK Model Demonstrator
The LASIK Eye Model is made of hard, durable plastic and measures 5 3/4 inches in diameter.

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Siepser Sliding Knot
The Siepser Slip Suture kit contains everything needed to learn the technique.

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Floater Demonstrator
The New Floater Eye Model from Gulden Ophthalmics allows the doctor or technician to quickly demonstrate how "floaters" are caused.

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Astigmatism Eye Model
This model of the eye is for patient education in astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia - or refractive error.