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Posts Tagged ‘vision therapy’

Navigating Within Space & Restoring Vision After a Stroke

Have you ever considered the amount of information that goes from your eyes to the brain, so that you can navigate through an area, be it in your home or a walk to the store? Also, if vision is lost as a result of stroke, can it be restored? Both deal with taking information in […]

Vision Therapy

Many vision problems in children, such as dyslexia, convergence insufficiency or anomalies in fixation, saccades or pursuit eye movement, such as amblyopia/lazy eye can’t be detected by way of reading an eye chart. Of course, some such as strabismus/cross eyed have outward signs, such as one eye pointing in the wrong direction. Of course, for […]

Sports Vision

“Keep your eye on the ball,” is a phrase many of us heard when we were playing a sport as kids. For most of us, we were just good enough to play a pick-up game with friends or to play on a school team or community league. What about those who are good enough to […]

Vision Therapy: What It Is and Isn’t

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), vision therapy is “… a sequence of neurosensory and neuromuscular activities individually prescribed and monitored by the doctor to develop, rehabilitate and enhance visual skills and processing.” This kind of therapy utilizes lenses, prisms and other specialized equipment to treat eye movement disorders, insufficient eye teaming such as […]

Therapy for CI is Good—Just Not for the Reason You Think it is

Convergence Insufficiency (CI) is where the eyes don’t work together when looking at a near object, (such as reading words on a page) so that the eyes are looking past the target point. As you can guess, many children are diagnosed with CI. Thankfully, there is vision therapy that improves eye coordination abilities and helps […]

Beyond Refraction, Frames and Contacts

When an eye doctor graduates from school most likely he or she will work in a practice that offers primary vision care which includes refraction and dispensing of frames and contact lenses. Still, vision care is more than just having someone behind a phoropter. So, many eye doctors are forgoing the optical dispensary and focusing […]

Maybe It’s a Vision Problem and Not a Behavioral Problem

Preschool children are known for being little tornados. They go from one activity to another and wear out the adults in their charge. Of course, as they get older they calm down—most of the time. As children go through school, many things that were once thought to be exuberance are diagnosed as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity […]