Eyesight Enhanced: Advancements in Bionic Implants and Eye Drops
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were fixes for vision diseases, such as macular degeneration and retinal vein occlusion, that could maintain vision, and in some cases improve vision—not just keep the disease from getting worse? Well, wouldn’t you know it, research done at Stanford University and Columbia University, showed that it is possible to […]
Research Advancements Offer Hope for LCA & Usher Syndrome Patients
Leber congenital amaurosis type 10 (LCA10) and Usher syndrome are both genetic diseases that lead to blindness. LCA10 is a retinal disease that leads to severe visual impairment or blindness in early childhood. Usher syndrome is the leading cause of both blindness and deafness, with type 2A (USH2A) being the most common type. This type […]
Lab Grown Organoids
For over 50 years, organ transplants has helped people with various diseases get a new lease on life. While retinas can be transplanted, the eye itself can’t be transplanted. That means that persons with retinitis pigmentosa, age-related macular degeneration and certain kinds of eye injuries have to deal with compromised vision or eventually blindness. Of […]
Stem Cells, Protein & The Ways Research Are Learning More About Them
As always, research shines a light on the eye and vision. Case in point, wouldn’t it be nice if people experiencing vision diseases, like a retinal disorder or age-related macular degeneration could receive treatments that were derived from either stem-cells or from a specific protein and vision would improve. Well, we will spotlight stem-cell based […]
Macular Degeneration Research News & It’s All Good
One great thing about being the Gulden Ophthalmics blogger is learning about vision research that is taking place in the U.S. and around the world. It is good to know that with all the negative happenings in the world that there are people who are working diligently to both improve vision and reduce the incidents […]
The Genes Have It
Genetic research has revealed many things about eye diseases. Two studies in particular have revealed how gene variants in inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs), such as retinitis pigmentosa, lead to these diseases and how gene therapy can help preserve vision. Whole-Genome Sequences Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and at Shiley […]
Eye Drops to the Rescue
Eye drops are great. They help lubricate dry eye. They get rid of red eye. They can also be used to treat a condition like diabetic edema, macular degeneration and may prevent vision loss after retinal vein occlusion. Two studies, one done at the University of New South Wales in Australia and another at Columbia […]
Cataracts and the Zika Virus Affect Vision Development
When babies are born, they can see an object with their peripheral vision but their central vision is still developing. Over the first few weeks, as a baby’s retina develops, his or her pupils widen and the baby can see light and dark ranges and patterns. At one month, a baby may briefly focus on […]
Retina Patterns Tell a Story
No one has to sell eye doctors on how cool the human eye is. One interesting area of the eye that is being researched is the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). This is the layer of cells that is next to the retina. It acts as a conduit between the photoreceptors of the retina and the […]
Handheld Probe Provides Images of Photoreceptors
Photoreceptors are specialized cells in the retina that are responsible for converting light into signals that the brain can understand as images. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to actually see photoreceptors? Researchers at Duke University have developed a device that can produce an image of photoreceptors in adults and infants. This […]