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Posts Tagged ‘Fovea’

The Science of Seeing: Unraveling Human Vision & Primate Color Perception

Call us biased, but we think vision is very cool. The images that our eye sees are encoded as visual information in the brain and the images enable us to see, navigate and learn. No wonder the eyes are considered the front of the brain, and biomedical research is uncovering different aspects of vision that […]

Night Vision Tests and AI Part One

The two forms of age-related macular degeneration progress at different rates. The wet form of the disease progresses faster than the dry form. Still regardless of the type, once someone is diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration, that person can expect a decline in vision to take place gradually over the course of five years. In […]

3D Printing for Vision

3D Printing is a manufacturing method whereby a three-dimensional object is created layer by layer. This process is used in the aerospace and automotive industries and for biomedical use. One way 3D Printing is used for biomedical purposes is for vision. Baylor University used 3D Printing as a way for blind and low vision persons […]

When the Rods & Cones Need Fixing

The rods and cones in the retina do a lot work when it comes to vision. Rods are sensitive to changes in light and dark, as well as shape in movement. Cones are sensitive to one of three colors, red, green and blue, and can detect fine details. If the rods and cones aren’t working […]

Advances in Bionic Vision

If you are of a certain age, you will remember a television show from the 1970s called “Six Million Dollar Man”. The show was about an Air Force Colonel Steve Austin who is seriously injured when a spaceship he is testing crashes. He then has surgery where he receives bionic legs, a bionic left arm […]

Discovery by UPenn Team Gives Insight into Blinding Retinal Diseases and Hope for Better Understanding and Treatment of Macular Degeneration.

In humans, the fovea, in the center of the retina, is critically important to viewing fine details.  According to new research, although some animals have a similar feature in their eyes, researchers believed the fovea was unique to primates — until now. University of Pennsylvania vision scientists report that dogs, too, have an area of their […]